The Gnostic Method

Mary Magdalene close up of hands cross over the chest with book and skull in view
Close-up of a Mary Magdalene Painting

The core of the Gnostic Method is what has been termed as the Three Factors of the Revolution of Consciousness; a trio that achieves the elimination of one’s own negative psychological elements, the birth of one’s true Self, and genuine sacrifice for humanity based on the experience of love.

The Gnostic method aims to cultivate the totality of the consciousness, all of its capabilities.

It uses Meditation and Self-Observation, that we teach and practice in our courses, as fundamental tools for one’s own transformation.

Man meditation on the edge of a cliff
Meditating is transformative, the light shines from within.

"Gnostic revelation is always immediate, direct, intuitive. It radically excludes intellectual operations of a subjective kind and it has nothing to do with the experience and assemblage of primarily sensorial data."

— Samael Aun Weor


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